Revelation teaches that every soul dying in the state of grace, but without having made sufficient expieation on earth for his forgiven sins, will undergo the punishment and purification of Purgatory before entering Heaven. Father Schouppe presents here the ancient Catholic tradition on Purgatory, wxplaining how its pains are excruciating, how they are adapted to the past sins of each soul, how they can vary in duration from less than one minute to the end of time itself. This wonderful treatise also explains how these sufferings manifest the infinite mercy of God, no less than His justice. Often God has allowed souls in Purgatory to appear on earth to plead for help. Here are scores of these true stories from the lives of the Saints, emphasizing the wonderful relief which the souls in Purgatory receive from prayers, penance, almsgiving, and their immeasurable gratitude and the blessings they obtain for their benefactors in return.