Innumerable are the manifestations Almighty God has made of His paternal pity for His children. The
visible world is replete with evidences of His goodness and fatherly care. But we must contemplate the
world beyond to find the masterpiece of God's pity for the children of men. It is that merciful
place of expiation known as purgatory, to which are consigned the souls who depart this life justified,
but still in need of purification.
Purgatory is truly an invention of God's all-merciful, condescending love, for had not God created
purgatory as a place of expiation of offenses not atoned for during life, doubtless the greater part of
manking would be excluded from the Beatific Vision. In the purifying flames of purgatory souls are
made worthy to take their places in the court of heaven before the throne of the King of kings. In
purgatory they are prepared to enter the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of peace, whose inhabitants are
ever bathed in the radiant light of eternal love.
Both Holy Scripture and the Doctors of the Church teach that there is a purgatory. Reason also tells us
this. No one who reflects a moment will doubt that there are persons who during their lives never commit
mortal sin, or persons who at death are not in the state of mortal sin, but who are, nevertheless, not free
from faults and imperfections when they enter eternity. Reason tells us that such souls would not be
worthy to enter at once into heaven, where "nothing defiled may enter," and that, on the other hand,
they could not be consigned by God to eternal torments, for this would be contrary to His infinite and
perfect justice. Hence, we must conclude that there is a middle state where souls can be purified from
their stains, where they can expiate the debts due to sins, forgiven but not atoned for, and where they
are clothed in the spotless wedding garment of perfect purity before being admitted to the eternal
nuptials with the all-pure, all-holy God. This place is purgatory.
It is not to be understood, however, that all souls are excluded from the Beatific Vision of God
until they have passed through the fiery furnace of purgatory. There are many heroic souls, who, having
been purified in the furnace of love and suffering, are admitted to the presence of God immediately
after death. Moreover, the fact that a soul is sentenced to chastisement in purgatory, does not justify the
conclusion that it will be inferior in heavenly glory to souls admitted to heaven without undergoing
purification by fire. The most precious stones and metals sometimes require longer and more thorough
polishing than less valuable ones. The degree of their value depends upon their interior worth. So, too,
the degree of glory of each saint in heaven depends upon the merit of each particular life.