Many people are experienceing the benefits of Ionized High Alkaline Water around the world. True Health is not only maintained through the water we consume but with all the water we use in our daily lives... water for drinking, cooking, personal care, general cleansing and sanitation. We invite you to join our happy human network of True Health and experience the many uses of Ionized High Alkaline water technology.
Why I Purchased a Ionized High Alkaline Water Unit:
My brother-in-law, Gilbert, had been talking to Vince about Ionized High Alkaline Water. Vince would ask me now and then about ionized water, I said I am aware of ionized water but I do not know what machine is best. Sometime later, I called Gilbert, then he asked if Vince had told me about the Ionized High Alkaline Water Unit, no, he only spoke of ionized water. Gilbert started to tell me about Ionized High Alkaline Water, that this country has been using this water since the sixties, in their hospitals and all the documented results they are having with the use of this water. I told Gilbert, I'll buy the Ionized High Alkaline Water Unit.
I think he was a little surprised, he gave me website's to view and wanted us to try the water. I told him fine, I'll look at the sites, and try the water. I still want a Ionized High Alkaline Water Unit. Now you may ask why? I'll tell you why, I know these people, they are the healthiest people in the world and now I know it isn't just what they are eating but also WHAT THEY ARE DRINKING! My 14 year old grandson, had just learned in school that the oldest living person was in this same country and he is 112 years old.
My own testimony:
My family started drinking Ionized High Alkaline water on October 18th, 2007. I would like to tell you the changes it has made in our lives as well as others.
In 2004, My husband, Vince, was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (cancer of the bone marrow), and put on meds. In 2005, started chemo, 2 sets of chemo, then they harvested for stem cells. In March, placed in what I call a bubble room given a strong dose of chemo, it killed everything in his body. He was re-infused with his harvested cells and waited, he was in that room for 28 days. It just about killed him. He was to go for a second round and said no, he couldn't take it again. In April, he was in remission, praise God. I thought he had no cancer, wrong, he has to go in every 3 months to keep an eye on the cancer cells still in his body and a protein (we all have) that was over producing (which is the cause of this cancer). I did not realize the stress he was going through every 3 months. In his mind "this could be the day it comes back". Multiple Myeloma always relapses, only 10% do not, and the doctors do not know why. I had been praying and praying that he would be one of the 10% that never relapses.
We purchased the Ionized High Alkaline Water Unit, October 18th, 2007. The first thing we noticed: During his chemo, Vince had a port in his chest. When it was removed, it healed over as a keloid, it was very uncomfortable. His shirt would rub against it and his scapular would get caught on it. In November, drinking Ionized High Alkaline Water less than a month, the keloid was gone, it was flat and smooth! The Ionized High Alkaline Water, high in alkaline and in anti-oxidants, allowed his body to heal itself!
Remember, we started using Ionized High Alkaline Water Unit October 18th, 2007, Vince was drinking Ionized High Alkaline Water only 2.5 months, he went for his 3 month check up. The results: Vince you're doing great, YOU HAVE NO CANCER CELLS. No change in diet, the only thing he was doing different is drinking Ionized High Alkaline Water.
First week of March 2008, Vince goes in for his 3 month check up. Results: Vince you are doing great! You not only do not have cancer cells, the protein you were over producing is at normal. YOU ARE CANCER FREE! Again, no change in diet, the only thing different is drinking Ionized High Alkaline Water.
As of April 8, 2009, Vince is cancer free, all his test results show normal. We collect copies of all his results from his doctor.
The Ionized High Alkaline Water did not heal or cure Vince of this cancer, the alkaline rid the body of the acidity, therefore the body was allowed/had the potential to heal itself.
Do you think that either of us is worried about the cancer relapsing. NO! Do you think my prayers were answered? YES! Ten fold, I truly believe that God put this in our hands as an answer to our prayers and for us to educate and help other's! Vince's body is now becoming alkaline, and disease can not live in an alkaline body, it can live in an acidic body. Ionized High Alkaline Water is alkaline (8.5pH to 10.0pH) and high in anti-oxidiants. Do you know every glass we drink; it is Alkaline and 8 to 13 times stronger in anti-oxidiants than one cup of green tea.
Vince no longer has to take supplements for his knees.
Vince no longer has to drink an herbal tea before bed. The Ionized High Alkaline water has regulated his system.
Vince and our son, Gil, working construction on a house, drinking the Ionized High Alkaline water, did not have to take motrin for the aches and pains, as they were gone, and they both noticed that they had more energy!
About the 1st week of April, I noticed that Vince's hair color is returning. He has been greying since he was 13, and after chemo, his hair was all white, and he kept it short. His hair is NOW coming back black at the roots! He is letting it grow, some of his co-workers comment that the "hair formula" is working. Vince isn't using anything, only drinking Ionized High Alkaline water! I noticed that his brother is having the same results, and mentioned it to his wife, Jane. She was telling me, what she had learned, is that when your gut is missing minerals, you lose hair color. When you have minerals in your gut, you retain your hair color, very interesting!
I had arthritis, it was so bad, Vince could not hold my hand (pain in fingers, palm and wrist), nor could I open a jar or use a can opener. I also had trigger fingers on my right hand. Trigger fingers are when 1, 2 or 3 of your fingers lock in a position that looks like you are holding a gun, trigger. Well, 3 of my fingers would lock in that position, it is painful, but snapping them out of that position is more painful! Being a very active and independent person, this was very hard for me. I'd say about 1 to 2 months from the time we started drinking Kangen water, Vince mention "your hands don't hurt". I looked at him puzzled, saying - my hands, my hands hurt? He said don't you remember I couldn't hold your hands? I had totally forgotten! My hands don't hurt! Now and then Vince will watch me open a jar or use a can opener, he use to have to do that for me, and now its a breeze. Only 1 of my fingers has "triggered", and there is no pain snapping it back.
Our Grandson, Mark, was with us for awhile, drinking Kangen water, he had no problems with his allergies or his asthmas. He went home, it all came back with a vengence! She took him to the doctors, they prescribed Folsnaze, Mark refused to take it, he told his mom, all I need is Ionized High Alkaline Water. Until they can purchase their own Ionized High Alkaline Water unit, they pick up 2 to 3 - 5 gallon containers of 9.5 Ionized High Alkaline water. Because Mark knows how to use the 5 different waters, he will pick up the working waters as well, ie; Ionized High Alkaline Water produces 11.0-11.5 high alkaline and the Ionized High Alkaline Water produces 2.0- 2.5 strong acidic waters.
Our Granddaughters, Maggie & Miranda, when they see that I have 3 - 5 gallon containers of beauty water in the kitchen, they put dibs on them (sometimes I have up to 10 - 5 gallon containers of beauty water in the kitchen). Maggie will say these are mine for my beauty bath. We fill the tub with some hot water, then pour in the 15 gallons of beauty water. They love it! Their skin and hair are so soft! Now and then Matthew will take a Kangen bath, he doesn't call it a beauty bath. By the way have you ever met any kid that wanted to take a bath?
A funny thing that happened, one day when the grandkids came over, Maggie always checks to see how many containers of beauty water we have. I had only 2 - 5 gallon containers (I did have more but I used those when I did my wash), she said "oh, no beauty bath". I looked at her and said "Maggie there is beauty water", she said "oh Grandma, 10 gallon's isn't enough for a beauty bath"! I just rolled my eyes and walked away.
Prior to us purchasing the Ionized High Alkaline Water unit, when our Grandson, Matthew took a bath, his fingers immediately started to peel, just like banana's! It was a puzzle to me, and it disturbed him so, he'd ask, "why does this happen to me Grandma"? I had no answer, I tried various herbs & ointments, what did help was emu oil, that was the only remedy we could use. He took a bath in the beauty water, his fingers weren't peeling! Matthew was so happy, especially that he felt so so soft! Whatever is in our tap water he is allergic to, the beauty water took care of it. Even now when he showers, his fingers do not peel.
My daughter, Donna, had come over to pick up the kids, and complained of a headache. I told her to drink Ionized High Alkaline water, she said, she has been drinking water. I said, it is not the same, drink the Ionized High Alkaline water, she rolled her eyes and drank the water. At one point she said, I still have the headache, I said keep drinking the Ionized High Alkaline water. Not to long after that, she said, "my headaches gone".
We were buying six (6) cases of water every week, at $ 5.00 a case. This did not include the cost of sodas, or other drinks, or outside beverages.
$ 1,872.00 per year
$ 3,744.00 in two (2) years
$ 9,360.00 in five (5) years
$18,720.00 in ten (10) years for bottled water.
How much do you spend on bottled water? Have you ever stopped to calculate it? Speciality waters that imply some kind of health benefit typically sell for about $2.00 or more per liter. If you consumed your body's daily needs for water (3 - 4 liters/day) from specialty bottled water, it would cost $8.00 - $10.00 a day per person. Over 15 years, (the life-span of the Ionized High Alkaline Water Unit), you would spend about $50,000 for water that promised some kind of special benefit!
As an Ionized High Alkaline Distributor, I can take your order - Call 909-841-8052 - or to LEARN more Call 909-841-8052.
Please Note: Please keep in mind that St. Michael's does not directly or indirectly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or the ionized high alkaline water as a form of treatment for sicness without medical approval. It is not the intent of St. Michael's to diagnose or prescribe, the intent is only to offer health information. In the event you use this information without your doctor's approval, you ar prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but that St. Michael the Archangels Religious Books and Gifts assumes no responsibility.